Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Belinda & Giovani is BACK ??!!

Well, I'm a little surprised to hear this news .. But according to news sources in Mexico said that Belinda and Gio back into relationship.
Yesterday, on March 1, TvNotas Mexico showed some photos of Belinda with Gio in Santender, Spain, where Giovanni Dos Santos (Red: Full name Gio) live.  

According to news, Belinda arrived at Barajas Airport, Spain, on 23 february ago. But She was came to Santander when Gio was given. And Gio did his training schedule even though Belinda was hosted in his house, a chalet-style home 15 minutes from Santander, as reported by the entertainment magazine.

 Photo by Belindaphoto

Sabemos que la relacion entre Belinda y Gio había terminado desde hace 10 meses. Yups!! Such that we know that the relationship between Belinda and Gio was ended since 10 months ago, many problems that they should faced, like a distance, work, family rejection, lies and affair on the part of Belinda...

TVNotas asegura que Belinda no dejo de buscar a Gio, para disculparse, despues de que su noviazgo terminara a causa de la supuesta infidelidad de Belinda  *Oh surelly,  I just found out about this but if this is true I think this a good starting point to repair their relationship had lost.

So, what your opinion guys?
Esta de acuerdo si Belinda y Gio volver?
Do you agree if they really back?
please leave your opinion =D

But Wait you should check this!! 
Belinda's comment via her personal twitter

"Es increíble como todo el mundo opina de algo tan personal... Como no dejan en paz a las personas... No hay nada y ya arman una historia"
 "It's amazing how everyone thinks of something so personal ... As not leave people alone ... There is nothing and already put together a story"

"A mi no me gusta hablar de estas cosas pero no me voy a quedar con las ganas de decir que tv notas es una porquería!"
 "I dont like to talk about these things but I'm going to keep wanting to say that TVNotas is a @#%?!"

"A mis fans los que me quieren de verdad no compren tv notas nunca! No le den de comer a los miserables que arruinan el amor, las familias.."
 "Untuk penggemarku , aku benar-benar tidak ingin membeli TvNotas tidak akan pernah! Jangan memberikan makanan kepada 'orang miskin' yang merusak cinta, keluarga.."

"Hablo por mi y muchos de mis compañeros que sienten exactamente lo mismo! No hablan de música, no hablan de amor, no hablan de respeto"
"I speak for myself and many of my companions who feel exactly same thing! No talk about music, not talk of love, not talk about respect"

"No se compara a otras revistas que venden notas reales y ciertas a las que si respeto!! Hay prensa increíble a la que admiro y respeto"
 "Tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan majalah lain yang menjual berita sebenarnya, and certain that if I respect! Ada the great news yang sangat aku kagumi dan hormati"

 "Compremos lo bueno, apostemos por lo constructivo el periodismo serio... Y es todo lo que tengo que decir no se hable mas de eso..."
"Buy good things,kita pusatkan perhatian kita kepada jurnalist yang serius...And that's all I have to say no more about that ..."
Posted by Belinda
* but unfortunately she was delete this tweets. Ella ha borrado los tweet 

So, what do you think after reading comments from Belinda ?
Que piensas despues de leer los comentarios de Belinda ?

Well, I love Belinda, I love her career, I love her Music, I love her Personality,  I love all about Belinda !!!!! and I'm stand up here to always support Belinda.
In my opinion, I think Belinda just need privacy for her life, necesitan privacidad para su vida and as her fans I am really understand and appreciate.
Todas las decisiones de Belinda,yo siempre la apoyara y apreciarlas =D
Viva BELINDA y No se olvidar CARPE DIEM !!!!!


I just re-post all tweets from Belinda which was removed to express her opinion,,Me hizo repost todos los tweets de Belinda que fue eliminado para expresar su opinion!!!!!!!!

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